Our company is engaged in the production of industrial timber for manufacturers of pallets and packaging industry. Our customers are also various logistics companies.
We saw industrial timber in standard lengths of 3 to 6 meters or precisely cut on a large-capacity Holtec shortening line with an accuracy of + -2 mm.
We are also sawing the sleepers timber for railway use from the beech or oak logs.
We supply industry timber fresh or dried.
According to the customer’s request, we can also perform sterilization – heat treatment of timber against pests with an IPPC certificate according to the phytosanitary standard FAO ISPM no. 15.
Your questions regarding the supply of industrial timber will be gladly answered by:
CEO: | Sales: |
Tomáš Kabaňa, tomas@ado-service.sk, +421 915 777 801 | Bohuš Šilar, silar@adoservice.sk, +421 908 583 845 |